Sunday October 20, 8:45 AM to 5 PM

Via hilly, curvy highways and byways we’re heading to Farmington in Southeast Iowa. We’ll lunch at the Bridge Café and Supper Club (no coat and tie needed) then head back to Des Moines passing thru Fairfield, Fremont and Oskaloosa. There are several pumpkin patches along the way but no ‘Fresh Egg’ signs were seen.
The convoy will meet at Petco in Southridge Mall. Drivers meeting at 8:45 AM and departure at 9:00 AM. It’s about 300 miles and will take about 7 1/2 hrs, including a pit stop and lunch. RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura no later than midnight, Wednesday, Oct 16 and please note the number in your party. Fill up the tank, charge the walkies, don your shirt and name badge and prepare to motor!
PLEASE NOTE: It’s a NO GO if the day is going to be a wash out with rain. We’ve done this on rainy days and it just isn’t any fun. Final decision will be made Saturday night and posted so stay aware.